2 settembre 2009

L'uccello peluche

Se avete apprezzato il piccolo pinguino di Phillips Island...
non potrete non innamorarvi del Kookaburra!!!!
e' un amore!!!

4 commenti:

  1. è della Trudi??? Peluchoso lui!Baci!

  2. Kookaburras will "laugh" at you when they steal the food from your picnic table. One day I had taken a group of children for a barbeque in the bush and when we were eating lunch a Kookaburra swooped down and snatched the sausage out of a child's hand! Matthew had the sausage in a piece of bread and was about to take a bite. The Kookaburra's wing actually hit Matthew's nose as it took the sausage! It was the "highlight" of the day!
    We really love seeing what you are doing. Hope you are having a great time xxxxx

  3. lo amoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!1

  4. tata ho ricevuto la cartolina, grazieeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!Bellissimi paesaggi e parole commoventi...mi hai toccato il cuoricino. TVB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
